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Virtual Identity and the end of Privacy? 본문


Virtual Identity and the end of Privacy?

mace-lifelog 2011. 2. 5. 16:06


TEDx Rhein-Main Michael Altendorf February 2011 - Virtual Identity and the end of Privacy? - Presentation Transcript

  1. Virtual Identity
    How the internet changes your life
    Michael Altendorf
    TEDx Rhein-Main Spring 2011
  2. Imagine the world in 2020…
  3. The web spread into every
    part of your daily life
  4. 2020 - Whereidentityof"THINGS"emerges
  5. What happens with your identity?
    Social Circle
  6. Today
    you can see the first changes –
    your identity went public
  7. … Multiple identities in the real life web
  8. … and sometimes identities in second life web
  9. Did you ever think: Why am I doing this?
  10. Who is defining your identity?
  11. In your analog life you have different kindsof identity
  12. in the digital world you can create a new identity,
    …every day
  13. In the digital world the YOUis moving every minute
  14. You on Facebook
  15. You on StudiVZ
  16. You on Twitter
  17. You on Foursquare
  18. You on Flickr
  19. You on Second Life
  20. You on Youporn
  21. Innovation changed your identity
  22. The web has changedtotal openness
  23. You are not anonymous any more
  24. The YOU today is tracked everywhereand stored in massive databases
  25. Real Time Identity
  26. you get identified everywhere
  27. Location Awareness
  28. Dynamic Personalization
    (…with opt-in)
  29. Instant Personalization
    Ends your Privacy?
  30. Even in the beginning the net was about the people (Computer Magazine in 1979)
  31. The web never forgets
  32. 1996
  33. 1997
  34. 1998
  35. 1999
  36. 2004
  37. Privacy has gone
  38. Who shapes your digital identity?
  39. The Social Graph
  40. Trade off Situation
    Advantages vs. Disadvantages
  41. Paradigm shift?
    … to a better future
  42. Paradigm shift?
    … or is it getting even worse?
  43. Product Recognition
  44. Face Recognition
  45. Why are you uploading all that on the web?
  46. New business model:
    Pay by privacy
  47. Good or Bad?
  48. Advantages
  49. Disadvantages
  50. How do these innovations affect how you feel today and act tomorrow?
  51. The end of privacy gives you the chance to have as many identities as you want
    But… it is still YOU
  52. Thank You!

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